CloudPhone Blog

Your Customers Want You to Text Them, Give Them What They Want!

Written by Erica Berry | Mar 6, 2019 3:44:00 PM

If you're like most people, your email inbox is flooded with offers and promotions from businesses that you'll never open or respond to. You may also be receiving phone calls from suppliers and vendors wishing to sell you products that you don't have time to chat about. So why do they keep coming? Because these companies haven't switched over to business SMS.

To put it frankly, phone calls and emails are becoming increasingly less desired when it comes to consumer communication, and texting is the new frontier. According to a recent infographic post, when given the option between text and phone call, over half of all consumers would prefer text messaging for customer support—and texting just outperforms, with 95% of all text messages opened and responded to within 3 minutes of being delivered, compared to emails which have just a 20% open rate.

While we think these numbers speak for themselves, here are a few other stats from SMSComparison to get you thinking about business text messaging:

  • Text messaging is the #1 preferred communication for customer support
  • 95% of texts are read and responded to within 3 minutes of being delivered
  • 3 out of 4 customers want offers sent via text message
  • 90% of customers have gained value from text message loyalty programs
  • 9 out of 10 consumers would like to communicate with businesses through text message, whether this be through sending alerts, reminders, back and forth communication, etc.
  • More than 50% of users prefer text message over phone calls from businesses
  • 98% of text message are opened compared to 20% of emails
  • Average CTR for text message is 9.18%, compared to 0.90% for Facebook
  • 64% more likely to perceive a business in a positive light when they have access to direct communication
  • US consumers are 5 times more likely to send and receive text messages than phone calls

Sure, there are times when you need to call or email, but for many important messages, consider SMS as the best option for your busy customers!  Make sure your communications plan includes business SMS so that you're reaching your customers in the way they prefer to be reached.