Voxox CallBack comes in two flavors:
Posted by Tristan Barnum on Apr 21, 2009
Topics: Voice Communication, Communication, Voxox
Posted by Tristan Barnum on Apr 16, 2009
It was time for me to head off to Asia with my family, and in the back of my mind one thought kept resonating (you’d think I would be worried about the usual things, do I have my passport, did we turn off the oven, did I bring the baby… err, that’s it, I forgot the baby!). No, actually what was running through my mind was how to maintain my business communications from the other end of the world.
Topics: Voice Communication, Communication, Voxox
Posted by Tristan Barnum on Mar 01, 2009
Some of the most connected people out there are Millennials – usually defined as people born between 1978 and 2000 (about 76 million people, depending on where you look). They’re young, they’re hip, and they’re plugged in everywhere they go, even when they’re unplugged.
The problem is, this is also the first generation that will suffer from communication overload. Here are a few interesting stats:
Topics: Voice Communication, Communication, VoIP