Removing the Barriers to Starting Your Own Business

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Removing the Barriers to Starting Your Own Business

Posted by Tristan Barnum on Mar 12, 2014


Do you ever find yourself dreaming about breaking away from the day-to-day office grind and starting your own business? Do you fantasize about being your own boss? Perhaps over time you have even gone as far as to develop a business plan, line up investors and tinker with your product until you feel it’s ready to take the market by storm.

Image courtesy of flickr user Shortcuts Smarter Business Technology


If this scenario sounds familiar, you are far from alone. According to a recent study by 1 and 1, 53 percent of American adults have strongly considered starting their own business. But despite the large portion of the population that contemplates launching a start-up, relatively few actually take the plunge.

One of the reasons for hesitation is that even entrepreneurs who are supremely confident in their product or service may not firmly grasp how to manage the logistical aspects—particularly with a small business phone system—involved in running a company. But as it turns out, that anxiety may be unfounded, because leading-edge technology can provide the features you need to confidently take the plunge into starting your own endeavor. 

With a best-in-class small business phone system, you can customize your settings in much the same way a wired system from a major provider would be configured. A cloud-based system can be set to professionally greet callers and instantly connect them to whoever they need to speak with inside your new company, and because it’s 100 percent web-based, making adjustments on the fly is no problem. Best of all, because you don’t maintain the system yourself, maintenance and repair costs disappear, freeing up your limited resources to build your business.

In many cases, the last barrier between a businessperson with a great idea and the formation of their new company is fear of failure and the unknown. While no single solution is ever going to be able to answer their every question or address every concern, a rock solid small business phone system can remove some of the trepidation and help to ease part of the logistical aspect of launching a new business 

Now that you know—what are you waiting for? 

Topics: Voice Communication, Communication, iPhone, Voxox, VoIP, Android