Last week, we hosted our first Tweet Chat covering SMB strategy! Experts and industry leaders weighed in on best practices for implementing a communication strategy for smallto medium-sized businesses.
In case you missed it, here are some of the highlights...
What are some of the biggest communication challenges for SMBs?
A critical communication problem for SMBs are increasing efficiency and unifying communication. BYOD could boost efficiency and help employee coordination while being cost effective.
“A big challenge today is BYOD. The blurring of the line between personal & business communications #voxoxchat” @Rieva
"Biggest SMB communcations challenge is how to increase employee efficiency in a cost effective manner #voxoxchat" @rgruia
You’re a new business and putting a communications plan in place. What do you do first?
When putting a communication plan together as a new business, it’s crucial to identify and focus on your brand, while prioritizing your communication needs.
“The first step should be evaluating which communications needs are mission-critical to your business model. #VoxoxChat #SMBstrategy” @HelloOper8or
“Identify your core brand (company name, slogan) & build all communications around that: URL, twitter, facebook, phone, etc.” @joepanettieri
What does your "phone presence" (e.g., phone number, greeting, etc.) say about your brand?
Your phone presence should express professionalism and is the first impression customers have of your business. Your brand is an important aspect of your business and leveraging professional communication could make all the difference between keeping or losing clients.
“It is the first impression It has to illustrate that you are a brand worth doing business with. #VoxoxChat and #SMBStrategy” @drgeeklab
"Brand is everything in business, so making a good first impression is a must #SMBstrategy #VoxoxChat" @joshrobertnay
What communication systems or strategies are under-utilized by SMBs?
In order to stay competitive in the SMB space, text marketing and social media should definitely be more utilized. An efficient way to connect with customers is via mobile. The main concern with mobile communications is balancing the fine line between good business practices and invading personal space.
“…Text marketing is critical. Balance between being welcomed & being a pest #voxoxchat” @Rieva
"Presence, channels (e.g. SMS text), mobile extension (make my number transparent so I could be reached outside the office) #VoxoxChat" @rgruia
What SMB communications trends do you see for 2015?
Communication tools and messaging apps are on the rise and will be a continuing SMB communication trend for 2015. Businesses will focus more on unifying communications and mobile marketing.
“Again, messaging apps will continue to rise as more and more #SMB take advantage of new opportunity #SMBstrategy #VoxoxChat” @joshrobertnay
“Twitter and other app based communication will be even more important #VoxoxChat and #SMBStrategy” @drgeeklab
What are your top picks for non-traditional communications tools for SMBs?
Some great non-traditional communication tools are Google Hangout (for employee collaboration) and Twitter (for customer engagement).
“Desktop sharing is a feature of most conferencing solutions that SMBs should explore. #VoxoxChat #SMBstrategy @HelloOper8or
“Twitter. SMBs tend not to engage there, but more realize its just as usable for them as it is for enterprises. #VoxoxChat #SMBstrategy” @chrischute
What is your favorite Sci-Fi communications tool that you wish was real?
The Star Trek Universal Communicator was a clear favorite for favorite Sci-Fi communication tool. Holographic telepresence was another mention and communication via messenger crow.
“Can't wait to have my working #StarTrek communicator pin with @Voxox integrated for universal translation. #SMBstrategy #VoxoxChat” @super_luminal
“Thus far, holographic telepresence (the little Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars) hasn’t been included in UC systems. #VoxoxChat #SMBstrategy “@HelloOper8or
“Actually, I'd love to communicate via ravens like they do in #GameOfThrones #VoxoxChat #SMBstrategy” @chrischute
You're on a desert island w/ Wi-Fi and can only bring 1 app (excl. Voxox since we're biased) What is it?
With its location-tracking feature, Facebook was a popular choice for getting rescued. Music apps such as Spotify and Pandora were also mentioned.
“Despite their new rules, Facebook. To talk/text friends/family, let them know my coordinates, get help until rescue arrives #VoxoxChat” @rgruia
“My 1 desert island app that isn't @Voxox? If it's island i'm happy to stay on? Maybe @Spotify for some island tunes. #VoxoxChat” @super_luminal
What companies would you praise for their communication approach and why?
Companies praised for their communication approach were Apple, Microsoft, Voxox, Disney, Uber.
“Apple has done a great job bridging Mac and iOS with Continuity. I could see this appeal to SMBs. #VoxoxChat #SMBstrategy” @chrischute
“Voxox it does more than its competitors, it addresses the need to communicate in various languages #VoxoxChat and #SMBStrategy” @drgeeklab
Any closing thoughts or statements?
Review, prioritize, and brand wisely to grow your small business. Recognize what your customers want by engaging and communicating with them.
“End of year is always a good time to look back and reassess what you need to grow your #smallbiz in 2015 #voxoxchat” @Rieva
If you would like to view the full transcript of the tweet chat, it is available here.