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Four Mistakes to Avoid When You Sign Up for Mobile Services

Written by Ian LeWinter | Jan 22, 2015

Face it. People make mistakes. In restaurants: “You mean you ordered the grilled scallop risotto and NOT the scalloped potatoes?” At home: “Oops, I thought that bag was for Goodwill.” Many mistakes are annoying but fixable. When you sign up for a contract with a mobile service provider, it may not be so easy.

Here are the four common mistakes people making when signing up for mobile services.

Mistake No. 1: Signing up for a plan with too many minutes

Mobile service providers are smart. One plan gives you 100 minutes. The next higher plan gives 700, then the minutes double for the next available plan. For example, let’s say your monthly calling is usually around 1000 minutes. You don’t need the extra 400 minutes, but you still need to pay for them. Here’s where a great OTT app, like Voxox, comes in handy.

OTT (Over The Top) apps work on top of your regular mobile service to give you more flexible minutes and free in-network calling. When you sign up with Voxox, all of your calls to other Voxox users are free, all the time. When you contact people who aren’t on Voxox yet, you pay super low rates as you go. There are no contracts or commitments.

The Fix: Use a mobile app like Voxox and lower your monthly minutes.

Mistake No. 2: Expecting to use your phone internationally the same way you do at home

When you travel out of the country, everything’s different — including how your mobile phone works. Costs can go through the roof. Texting and social media updates are quick ways to catapult your mobile phone bill when traveling abroad.

With Voxox you can get a free iNum number. Using an activated iNum, your account can be dialed from a local phone number in 45 countries, from any phone! Complete info on iNums can be found on the Voxox website here.

The Fix: Use a mobile app like Voxox when traveling abroad.

Mistake No 3: Thinking you’re stuck with the same phone number forever

Did your mobile service provider stick you with a hard-to-remember phone number? No problem! Along with the free number you get on sign up with Voxox, you can also get a virtual number. A virtual number is one you choose, customizable by area code. You can even choose a “vanity” number. Your virtual phone number can be given to friends, family and colleagues in place of your regular one and you can add more virtual numbers any time for less than $2 a month each.

The Fix: Get a virtual number

Mistake No. 4: Listening to voicemail

Oh, those five-minute voicemail messages with all the pertinent information at the end. You don’t want to fast forward because maybe you’ll miss a detail. When you get a voicemail on your Voxox app, it’s immediately converted to text that you can see at a glance. Another bonus: reading voicemail is much more convenient than listening when you’re in a meeting.

The Fix: Voicemail to Text

Everybody makes them

Yes, everyone makes mistakes. Some are easier to fix than others. Voxox can clean up these common mobile phone mistakes and many more. For the ones that aren’t mobile phone-related, I guess you’re on your own.