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Negotiating the Language Barrier With Free Texting

Written by Ian LeWinter | Jul 31, 2014


“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

This iconic phrase from President Ronald Reagan’s 1987 speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin echoes through recent history — a call to break down the infamous Berlin Wall and unite a country separated by war and politics.

In the late 1980s, political unrest ended with East and West Germans jubilantly climbing the wall from either side, greeting each other, celebrating and chipping away fragments for souvenirs. After a few weeks of public euphoria, the government at last ordered crews to demolish what was left of the ideological barrier.

We encounter plenty of barriers in our day-to-day lives. Maybe you have to pass a security checkpoint as you enter work or school (not that you have anything to hide, of course). Barriers are sometimes erected for parades or marathons. One barrier in particular, however, has plagued us since Biblical times: the language barrier.

For a select and enviable few, languages don’t present a problem. Polyglots are rare but they do exist and it’s possible — with a great deal of effort — to become one yourself. If you’re like most, however, you probably have other priorities.

Universal Communicator

When it comes to communicating in our own language we have many options. Take texting for example. A text is perfect for private communication across a conference room table during an endless PowerPoint presentation. A text is also great for any non-urgent message. But did you know a text is ideal for sending messages in a foreign language?

How is texting “ideal” for foreign language communication when you don’t even speak the language? Well, you already know that with Voxox, texts to your Voxox contacts are always free. But along with free texting comes Text Translation. Simply turn on Enable Translator and Voxox translates text messages (both sent and received) into your choice of 60 different languages. Just type your text as usual and Voxox with translate it in real-time to your recipient! Any replies are translated for you the same way. Your communication clout just went global!

Read Your Voicemail

Yes, read it! Imagine you’re still in that PowerPoint presentation. Calls and voice messages have been blowing up your phone. With Voxox installed, not only do you have free texting with translation, you also have Voicemail Transcription. Voice messages left on your Voxox number are automatically transcribed into text. Access them through your Messages tab and read them right there.

Voxox: Breaking Down Barriers

Sometimes getting your point across can be a barrier in itself. Even more challenging is doing it in a foreign language. Now the language barrier has been torn down, as long as you’re using free texting with translation that you get with Voxox.

Picking up voicemail isn’t always convenient either. Voicemail Transcription gives you the option of reading your voicemail or listening to it later.

So whatever your barriers, receiving texts in a foreign language or listening to voicemail in a meeting, Voxox Text Translation and Voicemail Transcription will help you hurdle them with ease!