Today, Wednesday, November 5, Voxox CMO Tristan Barnum will be speaking at the Silicon Valley Cloud Computing Expo 2014, the single show where delegates and technology vendors can meet to experience and discuss the entire world of the cloud. Tristan is among great company, with a stellar line-up of speakers from Microsoft, Intel, IBM, GE, Cisco, Verizon, Time Warner, and other major players in the cloud computing space.

Tristan's talk, "Growth Spurts & the Cloud: Key Considerations for Rapidly Growing Companies", will be held at 4:10pm today at the Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA. In her presentation, Tristan will discuss how although most companies hope for rapid growth, some don't invest in scalable core technologies that can withstand and/or easily transition in the event of a major growth spurt. She'll address how cloud technology enables previously difficult to scale solutions like phone, network infrastructure or billing systems to automatically scale based on demand, and how to avoid any serious "growing pains".
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